Becket Historical Commission
Town Hall
June 3, 2009
7:03 p.m.
Present: Rob Gorden, Harry Roff, Barbara Stuhlmann, Rita Furlong, Aaron Beatty, Jennifer Beatty
Guests: 1+ Lee and Barbara Watroba of Bancroft Rd.
Secretary’s Report: Treasurer’s Report: OK
Treasurer’s Report: Balance is $ 716.14
Transfer of some funds to reimburse our Gift Account has not yet occurred.
- KM Burke of Dalton sent us photos of the 1927 flood. A thank you will be sent
- William Osborn, Sir Lancelot Rd, request for addition, no historic value present, so no action.
- Heritage Walks wanted to know if we wanted to participate. Rob will inform them of our Self Guided Walking Tour.
- The Watrobas came to discuss the age of their home so they could put
up a plaque on it. Rob checked our archives, plus the Registry of
deeds, and found no mention of a date that a building was included. When sold to a former owner named Smith, assumption is made that a home was then built. So Smith will be the name on the plaque and 1912, the date.
2. Demolition By Law discussion at the ATM did not go well. We’ll
readdress it again sometime in the future.
3.Mass Humanities made grant form available. Rob filled it out. They
again declined our grant request saying they did not offer grants for the purposes that we were requesting (securing, protecting, and storing of our historical documents), even thought they had informed us that we should apply for this grant. We will not pursue such grants again.
4.Rob went to Bill Girard, building inspector, for a permit for the Railroad Sign. Barb went to the Planning Board and they found fault with our request for a place in Ballou Park and th size of the sign. Rob responded with a letter explaining the situation. Selectmen later voted in favor of the project. They suggested we use new ties instead of the donated used ones whose life is only 10-15 more years. Aaron has since made a grand effort to contact someone to purchase/be given new ones-to no avail. Suggestion made that we purchase an 8x8 treated beam , County Concrete will donate cement. Motion made by Rita to purchase one beam, Barbara 2nd, passed unanimously.
5.Large town map has been scanned and the bill will be processed and Aaron will be reimbursed $21.00. Work will now begin on what sites we should put/add, to the sign and what information should be added to the sign.
6.Thanks to Jennifer, the Plaque Information Form has been edited and Jennifer will now prepare it for use by perspective persons wishing to have a plaque on their old home.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05.
Respectfully submitted,
Rita Furlong